
A: Liability car insurance automatically covers rental trailer. Valid car insurance will be verified prior to renting the trailer. Rugged Teardrops require proof of car insurance.

A: Yes we offer MBA Choice – Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI). It provides additional Personal Accident and Personal Effects coverage.


SLI (Supplemental Liability Insurance) is an optional coverage customers can purchase for $14.95 per day. SLI is excess liability insurance that protects customers, as defined in the rental agreement, against third party automobile claims for bodily injury and property damage caused during permitted use of the rental vehicle. SLI may provide excess coverage for the difference between the underlying insurance and $1,000,000. The $1,000,000 limit includes a $50,000 property damage limit for 3rd party property damage. SLI policy limits are in excess of any/all valid and collectible underlying insurance; minimum requirement is the state financial responsibility mandated. SLI will only pay after the renter’s primary insurance limits are exhausted.

SLI can be purchased directly at MBASLI.COM by entering Rental Operator’s Policy Number: 411325 to purchase it for $14.95 per day.

All SLI change requests or cancellation requests must be made by Rugged Teardrops, not the renter.​